
Disable screen buttons

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    • Disable screen buttons

      Καλησπέρα παιδιά, μετά από την αναβάθμιση στην MIUI 8.1 GTV 6.10.20 εμφανίστηκαν τα screen button (3 back,home,κλπ). Προσπαθώ να τα απενεργοποιήσω τελείως όχι την επιλογή "Screen buttons can be hidden" γτ αυτό το έκανα αλλα μου βγάζει ένα σπαστικό μήνυμα "just a sec" όταν αλλάζω γενικά καρτέλες και κάνω πλοήγηση. Κάπου σε ξένο forum βρήκα κάτι τέτοιο που παραθέτω πιο κάτω αλλά δεν μου λειτουργεί και αφορά μάλλον τα hardaware keys...εγώ θέλω να απενεργοποιήσω τελείως τα software buttons.

      ANY HELP!
      Ευχαριστώ πολύ.

      "Hello Guys, this Guide is for those who are on AOSP 5.1.1 Rom (May work on other ROMs) and want complete stock experience with On-Screen Navigation Bar for your Redmi Note 3 pro SnapDragon!

      1) Any Root File Manager (Here ES file explorer)

      CAUTION: Editing system files is harmful, do it at your own risk.


      STEP 1 - Enabling Software keys

      1.Open ES File Explorer, tap the menu icon from top left corner and expand Tools. In tools, enable the ‘Root Explorer’ option and grand full root access to ES explorer when prompted.
      2.In ES explorer, open the Device (/) directory from Menu > Local > Device. Go to system folder and open the build.prop file with ES note editor.
      3. Edit the file by selecting the edit option from top right corner. Then scroll down to the bottom and add the line qemu.hw.mainkeys=0
      4. Go back and select ‘Yes’ to save the build.prop file.
      5.Reboot the phone.

      NOTE: If you see the on-screen keys only then proceed to next step!

      STEP 2 - Disabling Hardware Keys
      1) Open ES file explorer, go to Device > system > usr > keylayout directory. Open the file “ft5x06_ts.kl”, open it as Text and then select ES note editor. Edit the file and simply add the # prefix in front of the word key for all 4 keys.

      In the end of that file there will be following four lines:

      key 158 BACK
      key 139 MENU
      key 172 HOME
      key 217 SEARCH

      Add a '#' before each line so it would look like this:

      #key 158 BACK
      #key 139 MENU
      #key 172 HOME
      #key 217 SEARCH

      2) Go back, Save file and Reboot.
      3) Hardware Keys should now be disabled.

      STEP 3 - Disabling capacitive key lights.

      1)Download Capacitive Buttons app from Play Store.
      2)Open it and grant root access.
      3)Select the first option i.e no brightness.

      All Done! "
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